Establishing Organizational Structure
In order to effectively champion a Green New Deal (GND), it is crucial to build an organizational structure that enables your alliance to work together most effectively, create a shared set of principles, decide on a common platform, and avoid silos. A framework of principles and long-term goals that were developed in a participatory manner can help ground the alliance’s work through successes and setbacks. Each alliance is unique, mirroring the unique characteristics of its community. While there is no one-size-works-for-all structure, this section will lead you through examples of how successful GND alliances operate, including setting up working groups and leaders, policy platform reports, values of the movement, and more examples of the crucial work that goes into building a ground up structure that can endure.
Writing a platform compels an alliance to critically examine how their priorities, policy areas, and ambitions can align to represent the movement, meet the community’s needs, and highlight the interdependency of various policy areas. Detailed platforms can be more actionable while broad platforms allow for greater alliance flexibility. Either way, a strong platform will help guide the alliance’s policy efforts over time to ensure those efforts remain in alignment with the long-term vision of the group.
A People-Powered Plan for the Green Transition
This report from the Environmental Justice Commission sets out a vision for the future of the UK. Part one defines the shifts needed in the UK’s approach to addressing the climate and nature crises and makes the case for a ‘new social contract’, to deliver a transition that is both rapid and fair. Part two outlines the practical steps they propose. Each contains proposals on what they think needs to be done, when and by whom.
San Diego Letter of Recommendation for CAP
San Diego's Recommendation letter for a CAP provides details and policy proposals and serves as an example for other cities advocating for a CAP.
Gulf South for a Green New Deal Policy Platform
Gulf South's GND platform provides an example other efforts can use as they write their platform.
A Green New Deal for Europe
This document is a comprehensive plan for Europe and provides an example of a large scale GND platform.
Southern Communities GND Platform
SCEN's Southern Communities GND platform provides an example other efforts can use as they write their platform.